Oil painting Restoration Services
Bring life back to your cherished oil painting. Lynn Kershner, the Oil Painting Doctor, offers restoration services online. Send photos of your painting to receive a free evaluation, then ship your painting to the studio for restoration.
Why Should You Have a Painting Restored?
Most oil paintings may not have been done by Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet, nor are they appraised for thousands of dollars. But these are works of artists, existing long after their maker has gone from this world. For their owners, the value of a painting can be priceless, especially when the artwork holds a treasured place in the history of a family.
An oil painting can have images that show the likeness of an ancestor way before photography was invented. Perhaps, the artwork is one of the first artistic attempts of your grandfather. It can even be a reminder of a special moment you have shared with your loved ones. Whatever reason you may have, Lynn believes that your paintings deserve the best care. That is why she strives to deliver outstanding restoration services.